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import sys

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers, interactive
from matplotlib.cbook import dedent, silent_list, is_string_like, is_numlike
from matplotlib.figure import Figure, figaspect
from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase
from matplotlib.image import imread as _imread
from matplotlib.image import imsave as _imsave
from matplotlib import rcParams, rcParamsDefault, get_backend
from matplotlib.rcsetup import interactive_bk as _interactive_bk
from matplotlib.artist import getp, get, Artist
from matplotlib.artist import setp as _setp
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.projections import PolarAxes
from matplotlib import mlab  # for csv2rec, detrend_none, window_hanning
from matplotlib.scale import get_scale_docs, get_scale_names

from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap, register_cmap

import numpy as np

# We may not need the following imports here:
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, normalize # latter for backwards compat.
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.text import Text, Annotation
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, Arrow
from matplotlib.widgets import SubplotTool, Button, Slider, Widget

from ticker import TickHelper, Formatter, FixedFormatter, NullFormatter,\
           FuncFormatter, FormatStrFormatter, ScalarFormatter,\
           LogFormatter, LogFormatterExponent, LogFormatterMathtext,\
           Locator, IndexLocator, FixedLocator, NullLocator,\
           LinearLocator, LogLocator, AutoLocator, MultipleLocator,\

## Backend detection ##
def _backend_selection():
    """ If rcParams['backend_fallback'] is true, check to see if the
        current backend is compatible with the current running event
        loop, and if not switches to a compatible one.
    backend = rcParams['backend']
    if not rcParams['backend_fallback'] or \
                     backend not in _interactive_bk:
    is_agg_backend = rcParams['backend'].endswith('Agg')
    if 'wx' in sys.modules and not backend in ('WX', 'WXAgg'):
        import wx
        if wx.App.IsMainLoopRunning():
            rcParams['backend'] = 'wx' + 'Agg' * is_agg_backend
    elif 'qt' in sys.modules and not backend == 'QtAgg':
        import qt
        if not qt.qApp.startingUp():
            # The mainloop is running.
            rcParams['backend'] = 'qtAgg'
    elif 'PyQt4.QtCore' in sys.modules and not backend == 'Qt4Agg':
        import PyQt4.QtGui
        if not PyQt4.QtGui.qApp.startingUp():
            # The mainloop is running.
            rcParams['backend'] = 'qt4Agg'
    elif 'gtk' in sys.modules and not backend in ('GTK', 'GTKAgg',
        import gobject
        if gobject.MainLoop().is_running():
            rcParams['backend'] = 'gtk' + 'Agg' * is_agg_backend
    elif 'Tkinter' in sys.modules and not backend == 'TkAgg':
        #import Tkinter
        pass #what if anything do we need to do for tkinter?


## Global ##

from matplotlib.backends import pylab_setup
new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, show = pylab_setup()

def findobj(o=None, match=None):
    if o is None:
        o = gcf()
    return o.findobj(match)
findobj.__doc__ = Artist.findobj.__doc__

def switch_backend(newbackend):
    Switch the default backend to newbackend.  This feature is
    **experimental**, and is only expected to work switching to an
    image backend.  Eg, if you have a bunch of PostScript scripts that
    you want to run from an interactive ipython session, you may want
    to switch to the PS backend before running them to avoid having a
    bunch of GUI windows popup.  If you try to interactively switch
    from one GUI backend to another, you will explode.

    Calling this command will close all open windows.
    global new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, show
    matplotlib.use(newbackend, warn=False)
    from matplotlib.backends import pylab_setup
    new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, show = pylab_setup()

def isinteractive():
    Return the interactive status
    return matplotlib.is_interactive()

def ioff():
    'Turn interactive mode off.'

def ion():
    'Turn interactive mode on.'

def rc(*args, **kwargs):
    matplotlib.rc(*args, **kwargs)
if matplotlib.rc.__doc__ is not None:
    rc.__doc__ =  dedent(matplotlib.rc.__doc__)

def rcdefaults():
if matplotlib.rcdefaults.__doc__ is not None:
    rcdefaults.__doc__ =   dedent(matplotlib.rcdefaults.__doc__)

# The current "image" (ScalarMappable) is tracked here on a
# per-pylab-session basis:
def gci():
    Get the current :class:`~matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable` instance
    (image or patch collection), or *None* if no images or patch
    collections have been defined.  The commands
    :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` and
    :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figimage` create
    :class:`~matplotlib.image.Image` instances, and the commands
    :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor` and
    :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` create
    :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` instances.
    return gci._current
gci._current = None

def sci(im):
    Set the current image (target of colormap commands like
    :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.jet`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hot` or
    gci._current = im

## Any Artist ##

# (getp is simply imported)

def setp(*args, **kwargs):
    ret = _setp(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret
if _setp.__doc__ is not None:
    setp.__doc__ = _setp.__doc__

## Figures ##

def figure(num=None, # autoincrement if None, else integer from 1-N
           figsize   = None, # defaults to rc figure.figsize
           dpi       = None, # defaults to rc figure.dpi
           facecolor = None, # defaults to rc figure.facecolor
           edgecolor = None, # defaults to rc figure.edgecolor
           frameon = True,
           FigureClass = Figure,
    call signature::

      figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

    Create a new figure and return a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`
    instance.  If *num* = *None*, the figure number will be incremented and
    a new figure will be created.  The returned figure objects have a
    *number* attribute holding this number.

    If *num* is an integer, and ``figure(num)`` already exists, make it
    active and return a reference to it.  If ``figure(num)`` does not exist
    it will be created.  Numbering starts at 1, matlab style::


    If you are creating many figures, make sure you explicitly call "close"
    on the figures you are not using, because this will enable pylab
    to properly clean up the memory.

    Optional keyword arguments:

      =========   =======================================================
      Keyword     Description
      =========   =======================================================
      figsize     width x height in inches; defaults to rc figure.figsize
      dpi         resolution; defaults to rc figure.dpi
      facecolor   the background color; defaults to rc figure.facecolor
      edgecolor   the border color; defaults to rc figure.edgecolor
      =========   =======================================================

    rcParams defines the default values, which can be modified in the
    matplotlibrc file

    *FigureClass* is a :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` or derived
    class that will be passed on to :meth:`new_figure_manager` in the
    backends which allows you to hook custom Figure classes into the
    pylab interface.  Additional kwargs will be passed on to your
    figure init function.

    if figsize is None   : figsize   = rcParams['figure.figsize']
    if dpi is None       : dpi       = rcParams['figure.dpi']
    if facecolor is None : facecolor = rcParams['figure.facecolor']
    if edgecolor is None : edgecolor = rcParams['figure.edgecolor']

    if num is None:
        allnums = [f.num for f in _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()]
        if allnums:
            num = max(allnums) + 1
            num = 1
        num = int(num)  # crude validation of num argument

    figManager = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_fig_manager(num)
    if figManager is None:
        if get_backend().lower() == 'ps':  dpi = 72

        figManager = new_figure_manager(num, figsize=figsize,

        # make this figure current on button press event
        def make_active(event):

        cid = figManager.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', make_active)
        figManager._cidgcf = cid

        figManager.canvas.figure.number = num

    return figManager.canvas.figure

def gcf():
    "Return a reference to the current figure."

    figManager = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active()
    if figManager is not None:
        return figManager.canvas.figure
        return figure()

fignum_exists = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.has_fignum

def get_fignums():
    "Return a list of existing figure numbers."
    fignums = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.figs.keys()
    return fignums

def get_current_fig_manager():
    figManager = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active()
    if figManager is None:
        gcf()  # creates an active figure as a side effect
        figManager = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active()
    return figManager

# note we check for __doc__ is not None since py2exe optimize removes
# the docstrings
def connect(s, func):
    return get_current_fig_manager().canvas.mpl_connect(s, func)
if FigureCanvasBase.mpl_connect.__doc__ is not None:
    connect.__doc__ = dedent(FigureCanvasBase.mpl_connect.__doc__)

def disconnect(cid):
    return get_current_fig_manager().canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid)
if FigureCanvasBase.mpl_disconnect.__doc__ is not None:
    disconnect.__doc__ = dedent(FigureCanvasBase.mpl_disconnect.__doc__)

def close(*args):
    Close a figure window

    ``close()`` by itself closes the current figure

    ``close(num)`` closes figure number *num*

    ``close(h)`` where *h* is a :class:`Figure` instance, closes that figure

    ``close('all')`` closes all the figure windows

    if len(args)==0:
        figManager = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active()
        if figManager is None: return
    elif len(args)==1:
        arg = args[0]
        if arg=='all':
            for manager in _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers():
        elif isinstance(arg, int):
        elif isinstance(arg, Figure):
            for manager in _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers():
                if manager.canvas.figure==arg:
            raise TypeError('Unrecognized argument type %s to close'%type(arg))
        raise TypeError('close takes 0 or 1 arguments')

def clf():
    Clear the current figure

def draw():
    'redraw the current figure'

def savefig(*args, **kwargs):
    fig = gcf()
    return fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
if Figure.savefig.__doc__ is not None:
    savefig.__doc__ = dedent(Figure.savefig.__doc__)

def ginput(*args, **kwargs):
    Blocking call to interact with the figure.

    This will wait for *n* clicks from the user and return a list of the
    coordinates of each click.

    If *timeout* is negative, does not timeout.
    return gcf().ginput(*args, **kwargs)
if Figure.ginput.__doc__ is not None:
    ginput.__doc__ = dedent(Figure.ginput.__doc__)

def waitforbuttonpress(*args, **kwargs):
    Blocking call to interact with the figure.

    This will wait for *n* key or mouse clicks from the user and
    return a list containing True's for keyboard clicks and False's
    for mouse clicks.

    If *timeout* is negative, does not timeout.
    return gcf().waitforbuttonpress(*args, **kwargs)
if Figure.waitforbuttonpress.__doc__ is not None:
    waitforbuttonpress.__doc__ = dedent(Figure.waitforbuttonpress.__doc__)

# Putting things in figures

def figtext(*args, **kwargs):

    ret =  gcf().text(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret
if Figure.text.__doc__ is not None:
    figtext.__doc__ = dedent(Figure.text.__doc__)

def suptitle(*args, **kwargs):
    ret =  gcf().suptitle(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret
if Figure.suptitle.__doc__ is not None:
    suptitle.__doc__ = dedent(Figure.suptitle.__doc__)

def figimage(*args, **kwargs):
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    ret =  gcf().figimage(*args, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Figure.figimage.__doc__ is not None:
    figimage.__doc__ = dedent(Figure.figimage.__doc__) + """
Addition kwargs: hold = [True|False] overrides default hold state"""

def figlegend(handles, labels, loc, **kwargs):
    Place a legend in the figure.

      a sequence of strings

      a sequence of :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` or
      :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` instances

      can be a string or an integer specifying the legend

    A :class:`matplotlib.legend.Legend` instance is returned.


      figlegend( (line1, line2, line3),
                 ('label1', 'label2', 'label3'),
                 'upper right' )

    .. seealso::


    l = gcf().legend(handles, labels, loc, **kwargs)
    return l

## Figure and Axes hybrid ##

def hold(b=None):
    Set the hold state.  If *b* is None (default), toggle the
    hold state, else set the hold state to boolean value *b*::

      hold()      # toggle hold
      hold(True)  # hold is on
      hold(False) # hold is off

    When *hold* is *True*, subsequent plot commands will be added to
    the current axes.  When *hold* is *False*, the current axes and
    figure will be cleared on the next plot command.

    fig = gcf()
    ax = fig.gca()


    # b=None toggles the hold state, so let's get get the current hold
    # state; but should pyplot hold toggle the rc setting - me thinks
    # not
    b = ax.ishold()

    rc('axes', hold=b)

def ishold():
    Return the hold status of the current axes
    return gca().ishold()

def over(func, *args, **kwargs):
    over calls::

      func(*args, **kwargs)

    with ``hold(True)`` and then restores the hold state.
    h = ishold()
    func(*args, **kwargs)

## Axes ##

def axes(*args, **kwargs):
    Add an axes at position rect specified by:

    - ``axes()`` by itself creates a default full ``subplot(111)`` window axis.

    - ``axes(rect, axisbg='w')`` where *rect* = [left, bottom, width,
      height] in normalized (0, 1) units.  *axisbg* is the background
      color for the axis, default white.

    - ``axes(h)`` where *h* is an axes instance makes *h* the current
      axis.  An :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance is returned.

    =======   ============   ================================================
    kwarg     Accepts        Desctiption
    =======   ============   ================================================
    axisbg    color          the axes background color
    frameon   [True|False]   display the frame?
    sharex    otherax        current axes shares xaxis attribute with otherax
    sharey    otherax        current axes shares yaxis attribute with otherax
    polar     [True|False]   use a polar axes?
    =======   ============   ================================================


    * :file:`examples/pylab_examples/axes_demo.py` places custom axes.
    * :file:`examples/pylab_examples/shared_axis_demo.py` uses
      *sharex* and *sharey*.


    nargs = len(args)
    if len(args)==0: return subplot(111, **kwargs)
    if nargs>1:
        raise TypeError('Only one non keyword arg to axes allowed')
    arg = args[0]

    if isinstance(arg, Axes):
        a = gcf().sca(arg)
        rect = arg
        a = gcf().add_axes(rect, **kwargs)
    return a

def delaxes(*args):
    ``delaxes(ax)``: remove *ax* from the current figure.  If *ax*
    doesn't exist, an error will be raised.

    ``delaxes()``: delete the current axes
    if not len(args):
        ax = gca()
        ax = args[0]
    ret = gcf().delaxes(ax)
    return ret

def gca(**kwargs):
    Return the current axis instance.  This can be used to control
    axis properties either using set or the
    :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` methods, for example, setting the
    xaxis range::

      set(gca(), 'xlim', [0,10])


      a = gca()


    ax =  gcf().gca(**kwargs)
    return ax

# More ways of creating axes:

def subplot(*args, **kwargs):
    Create a subplot command, creating axes with::

      subplot(numRows, numCols, plotNum)

    where *plotNum* = 1 is the first plot number and increasing *plotNums*
    fill rows first.  max(*plotNum*) == *numRows* * *numCols*

    You can leave out the commas if *numRows* <= *numCols* <=
    *plotNum* < 10, as in::

      subplot(211)    # 2 rows, 1 column, first (upper) plot

    ``subplot(111)`` is the default axis.

    New subplots that overlap old will delete the old axes.  If you do
    not want this behavior, use
    :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_subplot` or the
    :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axes` command.  Eg.::

      from pylab import *
      plot([1,2,3])  # implicitly creates subplot(111)
      subplot(211)   # overlaps, subplot(111) is killed
      plot(rand(12), rand(12))
      subplot(212, axisbg='y') # creates 2nd subplot with yellow background

    Keyword arguments:

        The background color of the subplot, which can be any valid
        color specifier.  See :mod:`matplotlib.colors` for more

        A boolean flag indicating whether the subplot plot should be
        a polar projection.  Defaults to False.

        A string giving the name of a custom projection to be used
        for the subplot. This projection must have been previously
        registered. See :func:`matplotlib.projections.register_projection`

    .. seealso::

            For additional information on :func:`axes` and
            :func:`subplot` keyword arguments.

            For an example


    .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/subplot_demo.py


    fig = gcf()
    a = fig.add_subplot(*args, **kwargs)
    bbox = a.bbox
    byebye = []
    for other in fig.axes:
        if other==a: continue
        if bbox.fully_overlaps(other.bbox):
    for ax in byebye: delaxes(ax)

    return a

def twinx(ax=None):
    Make a second axes overlay *ax* (or the current axes if *ax* is
    *None*) sharing the xaxis.  The ticks for *ax2* will be placed on
    the right, and the *ax2* instance is returned.

    .. seealso::

          For an example
    if ax is None:
    ax1 = ax.twinx()
    return ax1

def twiny(ax=None):
    Make a second axes overlay *ax* (or the current axes if *ax* is
    *None*) sharing the yaxis.  The ticks for *ax2* will be placed on
    the top, and the *ax2* instance is returned.
    if ax is None:
    ax1 = ax.twiny()
    return ax1

def subplots_adjust(*args, **kwargs):
    call signature::

      subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None,
                      wspace=None, hspace=None)

    Tune the subplot layout via the
    :class:`matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams` mechanism.  The parameter
    meanings (and suggested defaults) are::

      left  = 0.125  # the left side of the subplots of the figure
      right = 0.9    # the right side of the subplots of the figure
      bottom = 0.1   # the bottom of the subplots of the figure
      top = 0.9      # the top of the subplots of the figure
      wspace = 0.2   # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots
      hspace = 0.2   # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots

    The actual defaults are controlled by the rc file
    fig = gcf()
    fig.subplots_adjust(*args, **kwargs)

def subplot_tool(targetfig=None):
    Launch a subplot tool window for *targetfig* (default gcf).

    A :class:`matplotlib.widgets.SubplotTool` instance is returned.
    tbar = rcParams['toolbar'] # turn off the navigation toolbar for the toolfig
    rcParams['toolbar'] = 'None'
    if targetfig is None:
        manager = get_current_fig_manager()
        targetfig = manager.canvas.figure
        # find the manager for this figure
        for manager in _pylab_helpers.Gcf._activeQue:
            if manager.canvas.figure==targetfig: break
        else: raise RuntimeError('Could not find manager for targetfig')

    toolfig = figure(figsize=(6,3))
    ret =  SubplotTool(targetfig, toolfig)
    rcParams['toolbar'] = tbar
    _pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(manager)  # restore the current figure
    return ret

def box(on=None):
    Turn the axes box on or off according to *on*.

    If *on* is *None*, toggle state.
    ax = gca()
    if on is None:
        on = not ax.get_frame_on()

def title(s, *args, **kwargs):
    Set the title of the current axis to *s*.

    Default font override is::

      override = {'fontsize': 'medium',
                  'verticalalignment': 'bottom',
                  'horizontalalignment': 'center'}

    .. seealso::

           for information on how override and the optional args work.
    l =  gca().set_title(s, *args, **kwargs)
    return l

## Axis ##

def axis(*v, **kwargs):
    Set/Get the axis properties:

      >>> axis()

    returns the current axes limits ``[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]``.

      >>> axis(v)

    sets the min and max of the x and y axes, with
    ``v = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]``.

      >>> axis('off')

    turns off the axis lines and labels.

      >>> axis('equal')

    changes limits of *x* or *y* axis so that equal increments of *x*
    and *y* have the same length; a circle is circular.

      >>> axis('scaled')

    achieves the same result by changing the dimensions of the plot box instead
    of the axis data limits.

      >>> axis('tight')

    changes *x* and *y* axis limits such that all data is shown. If
    all data is already shown, it will move it to the center of the
    figure without modifying (*xmax* - *xmin*) or (*ymax* -
    *ymin*). Note this is slightly different than in matlab.

      >>> axis('image')

    is 'scaled' with the axis limits equal to the data limits.

      >>> axis('auto')


      >>> axis('normal')

    are deprecated. They restore default behavior; axis limits are automatically
    scaled to make the data fit comfortably within the plot box.

    if ``len(*v)==0``, you can pass in *xmin*, *xmax*, *ymin*, *ymax*
    as kwargs selectively to alter just those limits without changing
    the others.

    The xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax tuple is returned

    .. seealso::

        :func:`xlim`, :func:`ylim`
           For setting the x- and y-limits individually.
    ax = gca()
    v = ax.axis(*v, **kwargs)
    return v

def xlabel(s, *args, **kwargs):
    Set the *x* axis label of the current axis to *s*

    Default override is::

      override = {
          'fontsize'            : 'small',
          'verticalalignment'   : 'top',
          'horizontalalignment' : 'center'

    .. seealso::

            For information on how override and the optional args work
    l =  gca().set_xlabel(s, *args, **kwargs)
    return l

def ylabel(s, *args, **kwargs):
    Set the *y* axis label of the current axis to *s*.

    Defaults override is::

        override = {
           'fontsize'            : 'small',
           'verticalalignment'   : 'center',
           'horizontalalignment' : 'right',
           'rotation'='vertical' : }

    .. seealso::

            For information on how override and the optional args
    l = gca().set_ylabel(s, *args, **kwargs)
    return l

def xlim(*args, **kwargs):
    Set/Get the xlimits of the current axes::

      xmin, xmax = xlim()   # return the current xlim
      xlim( (xmin, xmax) )  # set the xlim to xmin, xmax
      xlim( xmin, xmax )    # set the xlim to xmin, xmax

    If you do not specify args, you can pass the xmin and xmax as
    kwargs, eg.::

      xlim(xmax=3) # adjust the max leaving min unchanged
      xlim(xmin=1) # adjust the min leaving max unchanged

    The new axis limits are returned as a length 2 tuple.

    ax = gca()
    ret = ax.set_xlim(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret

def ylim(*args, **kwargs):
    Set/Get the ylimits of the current axes::

      ymin, ymax = ylim()   # return the current ylim
      ylim( (ymin, ymax) )  # set the ylim to ymin, ymax
      ylim( ymin, ymax )    # set the ylim to ymin, ymax

    If you do not specify args, you can pass the *ymin* and *ymax* as
    kwargs, eg.::

      ylim(ymax=3) # adjust the max leaving min unchanged
      ylim(ymin=1) # adjust the min leaving max unchanged

    The new axis limits are returned as a length 2 tuple.
    ax = gca()
    ret = ax.set_ylim(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret

def xscale(*args, **kwargs):
    call signature::

      xscale(scale, **kwargs)

    Set the scaling for the x-axis: %(scale)s

    Different keywords may be accepted, depending on the scale:

    ax = gca()
    ret = ax.set_xscale(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret
xscale.__doc__ = dedent(xscale.__doc__) % {
    'scale': ' | '.join([repr(_x) for _x in get_scale_names()]),
    'scale_docs': get_scale_docs()}

def yscale(*args, **kwargs):
    call signature::

      xscale(scale, **kwargs)

    Set the scaling for the y-axis: %(scale)s

    Different keywords may be accepted, depending on the scale:

    ax = gca()
    ret = ax.set_yscale(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret
yscale.__doc__ = dedent(yscale.__doc__) % {
    'scale': ' | '.join([repr(_x) for _x in get_scale_names()]),
    'scale_docs': get_scale_docs()}

def xticks(*args, **kwargs):
    Set/Get the xlimits of the current ticklocs and labels::

      # return locs, labels where locs is an array of tick locations and
      # labels is an array of tick labels.
      locs, labels = xticks()

      # set the locations of the xticks
      xticks( arange(6) )

      # set the locations and labels of the xticks
      xticks( arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue') )

    The keyword args, if any, are :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text`
    properties. For example, to rotate long labels::

      xticks( arange(12), calendar.month_name[1:13], rotation=17 )
    ax = gca()

    if len(args)==0:
        locs = ax.get_xticks()
        labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
    elif len(args)==1:
        locs = ax.set_xticks(args[0])
        labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
    elif len(args)==2:
        locs = ax.set_xticks(args[0])
        labels = ax.set_xticklabels(args[1], **kwargs)
    else: raise TypeError('Illegal number of arguments to xticks')
    if len(kwargs):
        for l in labels:

    return locs, silent_list('Text xticklabel', labels)

def yticks(*args, **kwargs):
    Set/Get the ylimits of the current ticklocs and labels::

      # return locs, labels where locs is an array of tick locations and
      # labels is an array of tick labels.
      locs, labels = yticks()

      # set the locations of the yticks
      yticks( arange(6) )

      # set the locations and labels of the yticks
      yticks( arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue') )

    The keyword args, if any, are :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text`
    properties. For example, to rotate long labels::

      yticks( arange(12), calendar.month_name[1:13], rotation=45 )
    ax = gca()

    if len(args)==0:
        locs = ax.get_yticks()
        labels = ax.get_yticklabels()
    elif len(args)==1:
        locs = ax.set_yticks(args[0])
        labels = ax.get_yticklabels()
    elif len(args)==2:
        locs = ax.set_yticks(args[0])
        labels = ax.set_yticklabels(args[1], **kwargs)
    else: raise TypeError('Illegal number of arguments to yticks')
    if len(kwargs):
        for l in labels:


    return ( locs,
             silent_list('Text yticklabel', labels)

def minorticks_on():
    Display minor ticks on the current plot.

    Displaying minor ticks reduces performance; turn them off using
    minorticks_off() if drawing speed is a problem.

def minorticks_off():
    Remove minor ticks from the current plot.

def rgrids(*args, **kwargs):
    Set/Get the radial locations of the gridlines and ticklabels on a
    polar plot.

    call signatures::

      lines, labels = rgrids()
      lines, labels = rgrids(radii, labels=None, angle=22.5, **kwargs)

    When called with no arguments, :func:`rgrid` simply returns the
    tuple (*lines*, *labels*), where *lines* is an array of radial
    gridlines (:class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instances) and
    *labels* is an array of tick labels
    (:class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances). When called with
    arguments, the labels will appear at the specified radial
    distances and angles.

    *labels*, if not *None*, is a len(*radii*) list of strings of the
    labels to use at each angle.

    If *labels* is None, the rformatter will be used


      # set the locations of the radial gridlines and labels
      lines, labels = rgrids( (0.25, 0.5, 1.0) )

      # set the locations and labels of the radial gridlines and labels
      lines, labels = rgrids( (0.25, 0.5, 1.0), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry' )

    ax = gca()
    if not isinstance(ax, PolarAxes):
        raise RuntimeError('rgrids only defined for polar axes')
    if len(args)==0:
        lines = ax.yaxis.get_gridlines()
        labels = ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels()
        lines, labels = ax.set_rgrids(*args, **kwargs)

    return ( silent_list('Line2D rgridline', lines),
             silent_list('Text rgridlabel', labels) )

def thetagrids(*args, **kwargs):
    Set/Get the theta locations of the gridlines and ticklabels.

    If no arguments are passed, return a tuple (*lines*, *labels*)
    where *lines* is an array of radial gridlines
    (:class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instances) and *labels* is an
    array of tick labels (:class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances)::

      lines, labels = thetagrids()

    Otherwise the syntax is::

      lines, labels = thetagrids(angles, labels=None, fmt='%d', frac = 1.1)

    set the angles at which to place the theta grids (these gridlines
    are equal along the theta dimension).

    *angles* is in degrees.

    *labels*, if not *None*, is a len(angles) list of strings of the
    labels to use at each angle.

    If *labels* is *None*, the labels will be ``fmt%angle``.

    *frac* is the fraction of the polar axes radius at which to place
    the label (1 is the edge). Eg. 1.05 is outside the axes and 0.95
    is inside the axes.

    Return value is a list of tuples (*lines*, *labels*):

      - *lines* are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instances

      - *labels* are :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances.

    Note that on input, the *labels* argument is a list of strings,
    and on output it is a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text`


      # set the locations of the radial gridlines and labels
      lines, labels = thetagrids( range(45,360,90) )

      # set the locations and labels of the radial gridlines and labels
      lines, labels = thetagrids( range(45,360,90), ('NE', 'NW', 'SW','SE') )
    ax = gca()
    if not isinstance(ax, PolarAxes):
        raise RuntimeError('rgrids only defined for polar axes')
    if len(args)==0:
        lines = ax.xaxis.get_ticklines()
        labels = ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()
        lines, labels = ax.set_thetagrids(*args, **kwargs)

    return (silent_list('Line2D thetagridline', lines),
            silent_list('Text thetagridlabel', labels)

## Plotting Info ##

def plotting():
    Plotting commands

    =============== =========================================================
    Command         Description
    =============== =========================================================
    axes            Create a new axes
    axis            Set or return the current axis limits
    bar             make a bar chart
    boxplot         make a box and whiskers chart
    cla             clear current axes
    clabel          label a contour plot
    clf             clear a figure window
    close           close a figure window
    colorbar        add a colorbar to the current figure
    cohere          make a plot of coherence
    contour         make a contour plot
    contourf        make a filled contour plot
    csd             make a plot of cross spectral density
    draw            force a redraw of the current figure
    errorbar        make an errorbar graph
    figlegend       add a legend to the figure
    figimage        add an image to the figure, w/o resampling
    figtext         add text in figure coords
    figure          create or change active figure
    fill            make filled polygons
    fill_between    make filled polygons between two sets of y-values
    fill_betweenx   make filled polygons between two sets of x-values
    gca             return the current axes
    gcf             return the current figure
    gci             get the current image, or None
    getp            get a graphics property
    hist            make a histogram
    hold            set the hold state on current axes
    legend          add a legend to the axes
    loglog          a log log plot
    imread          load image file into array
    imsave          save array as an image file
    imshow          plot image data
    matshow         display a matrix in a new figure preserving aspect
    pcolor          make a pseudocolor plot
    plot            make a line plot
    plotfile        plot data from a flat file
    psd             make a plot of power spectral density
    quiver          make a direction field (arrows) plot
    rc              control the default params
    savefig         save the current figure
    scatter         make a scatter plot
    setp            set a graphics property
    semilogx        log x axis
    semilogy        log y axis
    show            show the figures
    specgram        a spectrogram plot
    stem            make a stem plot
    subplot         make a subplot (numrows, numcols, axesnum)
    table           add a table to the axes
    text            add some text at location x,y to the current axes
    title           add a title to the current axes
    xlabel          add an xlabel to the current axes
    ylabel          add a ylabel to the current axes
    =============== =========================================================

    The following commands will set the default colormap accordingly:

    * autumn
    * bone
    * cool
    * copper
    * flag
    * gray
    * hot
    * hsv
    * jet
    * pink
    * prism
    * spring
    * summer
    * winter
    * spectral


def get_plot_commands(): return ( 'axes', 'axis', 'bar', 'boxplot', 'cla', 'clf',
    'close', 'colorbar', 'cohere', 'csd', 'draw', 'errorbar',
    'figlegend', 'figtext', 'figimage', 'figure', 'fill', 'gca',
    'gcf', 'gci', 'get', 'gray', 'barh', 'jet', 'hist', 'hold', 'imread', 'imsave',
    'imshow', 'legend', 'loglog', 'quiver', 'rc', 'pcolor', 'pcolormesh', 'plot', 'psd',
    'savefig', 'scatter', 'set', 'semilogx', 'semilogy', 'show',
    'specgram', 'stem', 'subplot', 'table', 'text', 'title', 'xlabel',
    'ylabel', 'pie', 'polar')

def colors():
    This is a do-nothing function to provide you with help on how
    matplotlib handles colors.

    Commands which take color arguments can use several formats to
    specify the colors.  For the basic builtin colors, you can use a
    single letter

      =====   =======
      Alias   Color
      =====   =======
      'b'     blue
      'g'     green
      'r'     red
      'c'     cyan
      'm'     magenta
      'y'     yellow
      'k'     black
      'w'     white
      =====   =======

    For a greater range of colors, you have two options.  You can
    specify the color using an html hex string, as in::

      color = '#eeefff'

    or you can pass an R,G,B tuple, where each of R,G,B are in the
    range [0,1].

    You can also use any legal html name for a color, for example::

      color = 'red',
      color = 'burlywood'
      color = 'chartreuse'

    The example below creates a subplot with a dark
    slate gray background

       subplot(111, axisbg=(0.1843, 0.3098, 0.3098))

    Here is an example that creates a pale turqoise title::

      title('Is this the best color?', color='#afeeee')


def colormaps():
    matplotlib provides the following colormaps.

    * autumn
    * bone
    * cool
    * copper
    * flag
    * gray
    * hot
    * hsv
    * jet
    * pink
    * prism
    * spring
    * summer
    * winter
    * spectral

    You can set the colormap for an image, pcolor, scatter, etc,
    either as a keyword argument::

      imshow(X, cmap=cm.hot)

    or post-hoc using the corresponding pylab interface function::


    In interactive mode, this will update the colormap allowing you to
    see which one works best for your data.

## Plotting part 1: manually generated functions and wrappers ##

import matplotlib.colorbar
def colorbar(mappable=None, cax=None, ax=None, **kw):
    if mappable is None:
        mappable = gci()
    if ax is None:
        ax = gca()

    ret = gcf().colorbar(mappable, cax = cax, ax=ax, **kw)
    return ret
colorbar.__doc__ = matplotlib.colorbar.colorbar_doc

def clim(vmin=None, vmax=None):
    Set the color limits of the current image

    To apply clim to all axes images do::

      clim(0, 0.5)

    If either *vmin* or *vmax* is None, the image min/max respectively
    will be used for color scaling.

    If you want to set the clim of multiple images,
    use, for example::

      for im in gca().get_images():
          im.set_clim(0, 0.05)

    im = gci()
    if im is None:
        raise RuntimeError('You must first define an image, eg with imshow')

    im.set_clim(vmin, vmax)

def set_cmap(cmap):
    set the default colormap to *cmap* and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information.

    *cmap* must be a :class:`colors.Colormap` instance, or
    the name of a registered colormap.

    See :func:`register_cmap` and :func:`get_cmap`.
    cmap = cm.get_cmap(cmap)

    rc('image', cmap=cmap.name)
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

def imread(*args, **kwargs):
    return _imread(*args, **kwargs)
if _imread.__doc__ is not None:
    imread.__doc__ = dedent(_imread.__doc__)

def imsave(*args, **kwargs):
    return _imsave(*args, **kwargs)
if _imsave.__doc__ is not None:
    imsave.__doc__ = dedent(_imsave.__doc__)

def matshow(A, fignum=None, **kw):
    Display an array as a matrix in a new figure window.

    The origin is set at the upper left hand corner and rows (first
    dimension of the array) are displayed horizontally.  The aspect
    ratio of the figure window is that of the array, unless this would
    make an excessively short or narrow figure.

    Tick labels for the xaxis are placed on top.

    With the exception of fignum, keyword arguments are passed to

    *fignum*: [ None | integer | False ]
      By default, :func:`matshow` creates a new figure window with
      automatic numbering.  If *fignum* is given as an integer, the
      created figure will use this figure number.  Because of how
      :func:`matshow` tries to set the figure aspect ratio to be the
      one of the array, if you provide the number of an already
      existing figure, strange things may happen.

      If *fignum* is *False* or 0, a new figure window will **NOT** be created.
    if fignum is False or fignum is 0:
        ax = gca()
        # Extract actual aspect ratio of array and make appropriately sized figure
        fig = figure(fignum, figsize=figaspect(A))
        ax  = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.09, 0.775, 0.775])

    im = ax.matshow(A, **kw)
    gci._current = im

    return im

def polar(*args, **kwargs):
    call signature::

      polar(theta, r, **kwargs)

    Make a polar plot.  Multiple *theta*, *r* arguments are supported,
    with format strings, as in :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.

    An optional kwarg *resolution* sets the number of vertices to
    interpolate between each pair of points.  The default is 1,
    which disables interpolation.
    resolution = kwargs.pop('resolution', None)
    ax = gca(polar=True, resolution=resolution)
    ret = ax.plot(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret

def plotfile(fname, cols=(0,), plotfuncs=None,
             comments='#', skiprows=0, checkrows=5, delimiter=',', names=None,
             subplots=True, newfig=True,
    Plot the data in *fname*

    *cols* is a sequence of column identifiers to plot.  An identifier
    is either an int or a string.  If it is an int, it indicates the
    column number.  If it is a string, it indicates the column header.
    matplotlib will make column headers lower case, replace spaces with
    underscores, and remove all illegal characters; so ``'Adj Close*'``
    will have name ``'adj_close'``.

    - If len(*cols*) == 1, only that column will be plotted on the *y* axis.

    - If len(*cols*) > 1, the first element will be an identifier for
      data for the *x* axis and the remaining elements will be the
      column indexes for multiple subplots if *subplots* is *True*
      (the default), or for lines in a single subplot if *subplots*
      is *False*.

    *plotfuncs*, if not *None*, is a dictionary mapping identifier to
    an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` plotting function as a string.
    Default is 'plot', other choices are 'semilogy', 'fill', 'bar',
    etc.  You must use the same type of identifier in the *cols*
    vector as you use in the *plotfuncs* dictionary, eg., integer
    column numbers in both or column names in both. If *subplots*
    is *False*, then including any function such as 'semilogy'
    that changes the axis scaling will set the scaling for all

    *comments*, *skiprows*, *checkrows*, *delimiter*, and *names*
    are all passed on to :func:`matplotlib.pylab.csv2rec` to
    load the data into a record array.

    If *newfig* is *True*, the plot always will be made in a new figure;
    if *False*, it will be made in the current figure if one exists,
    else in a new figure.

    kwargs are passed on to plotting functions.

    Example usage::

      # plot the 2nd and 4th column against the 1st in two subplots
      plotfile(fname, (0,1,3))

      # plot using column names; specify an alternate plot type for volume
      plotfile(fname, ('date', 'volume', 'adj_close'),
                                    plotfuncs={'volume': 'semilogy'})

    Note: plotfile is intended as a convenience for quickly plotting
    data from flat files; it is not intended as an alternative
    interface to general plotting with pyplot or matplotlib.

    if newfig:
        fig = figure()
        fig = gcf()

    if len(cols)<1:
        raise ValueError('must have at least one column of data')

    if plotfuncs is None:
        plotfuncs = dict()
    r = mlab.csv2rec(fname, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows,
                     checkrows=checkrows, delimiter=delimiter, names=names)

    def getname_val(identifier):
        'return the name and column data for identifier'
        if is_string_like(identifier):
            return identifier, r[identifier]
        elif is_numlike(identifier):
            name = r.dtype.names[int(identifier)]
            return name, r[name]
            raise TypeError('identifier must be a string or integer')

    xname, x = getname_val(cols[0])
    ynamelist = []

    if len(cols)==1:
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
        funcname = plotfuncs.get(cols[0], 'plot')
        func = getattr(ax1, funcname)
        func(x, **kwargs)
        N = len(cols)
        for i in range(1,N):
            if subplots:
                if i==1:
                    ax = ax1 = fig.add_subplot(N-1,1,i)
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(N-1,1,i, sharex=ax1)
            elif i==1:
                ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)


            yname, y = getname_val(cols[i])

            funcname = plotfuncs.get(cols[i], 'plot')
            func = getattr(ax, funcname)

            func(x, y, **kwargs)
            if subplots:
            if ax.is_last_row():

    if not subplots:
        ax.legend(ynamelist, loc='best')

    if xname=='date':


# This is added to docstrings of autogenerated plotting functions
__docstring_addendum = """

Additional kwargs: hold = [True|False] overrides default hold state"""

## Plotting part 2: autogenerated wrappers for axes methods ##

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def acorr(x, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.acorr(x, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.acorr.__doc__ is not None:
    acorr.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.acorr.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def arrow(x, y, dx, dy, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.arrow(x, y, dx, dy, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.arrow.__doc__ is not None:
    arrow.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.arrow.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def axhline(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=1, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.axhline(y, xmin, xmax, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.axhline.__doc__ is not None:
    axhline.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.axhline.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def axhspan(ymin, ymax, xmin=0, xmax=1, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.axhspan(ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.axhspan.__doc__ is not None:
    axhspan.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.axhspan.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def axvline(x=0, ymin=0, ymax=1, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.axvline(x, ymin, ymax, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.axvline.__doc__ is not None:
    axvline.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.axvline.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def axvspan(xmin, xmax, ymin=0, ymax=1, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.axvspan(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.axvspan.__doc__ is not None:
    axvspan.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.axvspan.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def bar(left, height, width=0.80000000000000004, bottom=None, color=None, edgecolor=None, linewidth=None, yerr=None, xerr=None, ecolor=None, capsize=3, align='edge', orientation='vertical', log=False, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.bar(left, height, width, bottom, color, edgecolor, linewidth, yerr, xerr, ecolor, capsize, align, orientation, log, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.bar.__doc__ is not None:
    bar.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.bar.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def barh(bottom, width, height=0.80000000000000004, left=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.barh(bottom, width, height, left, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.barh.__doc__ is not None:
    barh.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.barh.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def broken_barh(xranges, yrange, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.broken_barh(xranges, yrange, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.broken_barh.__doc__ is not None:
    broken_barh.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.broken_barh.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def boxplot(x, notch=0, sym='b+', vert=1, whis=1.5, positions=None, widths=None, hold=None):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.boxplot(x, notch, sym, vert, whis, positions, widths)

    return ret
if Axes.boxplot.__doc__ is not None:
    boxplot.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.boxplot.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def cohere(x, y, NFFT=256, Fs=2, Fc=0, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, window=mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=0, pad_to=None, sides='default', scale_by_freq=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.cohere(x, y, NFFT, Fs, Fc, detrend, window, noverlap, pad_to, sides, scale_by_freq, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.cohere.__doc__ is not None:
    cohere.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.cohere.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def clabel(CS, *args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.clabel(CS, *args, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.clabel.__doc__ is not None:
    clabel.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.clabel.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def contour(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.contour(*args, **kwargs)
    if ret._A is not None: gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.contour.__doc__ is not None:
    contour.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.contour.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def contourf(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.contourf(*args, **kwargs)
    if ret._A is not None: gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.contourf.__doc__ is not None:
    contourf.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.contourf.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def csd(x, y, NFFT=256, Fs=2, Fc=0, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, window=mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=0, pad_to=None, sides='default', scale_by_freq=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.csd(x, y, NFFT, Fs, Fc, detrend, window, noverlap, pad_to, sides, scale_by_freq, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.csd.__doc__ is not None:
    csd.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.csd.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def errorbar(x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, fmt='-', ecolor=None, elinewidth=None, capsize=3, barsabove=False, lolims=False, uplims=False, xlolims=False, xuplims=False, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr, xerr, fmt, ecolor, elinewidth, capsize, barsabove, lolims, uplims, xlolims, xuplims, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.errorbar.__doc__ is not None:
    errorbar.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.errorbar.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def fill(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.fill(*args, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.fill.__doc__ is not None:
    fill.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.fill.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def fill_between(x, y1, y2=0, where=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.fill_between(x, y1, y2, where, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.fill_between.__doc__ is not None:
    fill_between.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.fill_between.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def fill_betweenx(y, x1, x2=0, where=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.fill_betweenx(y, x1, x2, where, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.fill_betweenx.__doc__ is not None:
    fill_betweenx.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.fill_betweenx.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def hexbin(x, y, C=None, gridsize=100, bins=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', extent=None, cmap=None, norm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, alpha=1.0, linewidths=None, edgecolors='none', reduce_C_function=np.mean, mincnt=None, marginals=False, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.hexbin(x, y, C, gridsize, bins, xscale, yscale, extent, cmap, norm, vmin, vmax, alpha, linewidths, edgecolors, reduce_C_function, mincnt, marginals, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.hexbin.__doc__ is not None:
    hexbin.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.hexbin.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def hist(x, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, weights=None, cumulative=False, bottom=None, histtype='bar', align='mid', orientation='vertical', rwidth=None, log=False, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.hist(x, bins, range, normed, weights, cumulative, bottom, histtype, align, orientation, rwidth, log, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.hist.__doc__ is not None:
    hist.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.hist.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def hlines(y, xmin, xmax, colors='k', linestyles='solid', label='', hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.hlines(y, xmin, xmax, colors, linestyles, label, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.hlines.__doc__ is not None:
    hlines.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.hlines.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def imshow(X, cmap=None, norm=None, aspect=None, interpolation=None, alpha=1.0, vmin=None, vmax=None, origin=None, extent=None, shape=None, filternorm=1, filterrad=4.0, imlim=None, resample=None, url=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.imshow(X, cmap, norm, aspect, interpolation, alpha, vmin, vmax, origin, extent, shape, filternorm, filterrad, imlim, resample, url, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.imshow.__doc__ is not None:
    imshow.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.imshow.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def loglog(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.loglog(*args, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.loglog.__doc__ is not None:
    loglog.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.loglog.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def pcolor(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.pcolor(*args, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.pcolor.__doc__ is not None:
    pcolor.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.pcolor.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def pcolormesh(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.pcolormesh(*args, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.pcolormesh.__doc__ is not None:
    pcolormesh.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.pcolormesh.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def pie(x, explode=None, labels=None, colors=None, autopct=None, pctdistance=0.59999999999999998, shadow=False, labeldistance=1.1000000000000001, hold=None):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.pie(x, explode, labels, colors, autopct, pctdistance, shadow, labeldistance)

    return ret
if Axes.pie.__doc__ is not None:
    pie.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.pie.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def plot(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.plot(*args, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.plot.__doc__ is not None:
    plot.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.plot.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def plot_date(x, y, fmt='bo', tz=None, xdate=True, ydate=False, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.plot_date(x, y, fmt, tz, xdate, ydate, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.plot_date.__doc__ is not None:
    plot_date.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.plot_date.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def psd(x, NFFT=256, Fs=2, Fc=0, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, window=mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=0, pad_to=None, sides='default', scale_by_freq=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.psd(x, NFFT, Fs, Fc, detrend, window, noverlap, pad_to, sides, scale_by_freq, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.psd.__doc__ is not None:
    psd.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.psd.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def quiver(*args, **kw):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kw.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.quiver(*args, **kw)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.quiver.__doc__ is not None:
    quiver.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.quiver.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def quiverkey(*args, **kw):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kw.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.quiverkey(*args, **kw)

    return ret
if Axes.quiverkey.__doc__ is not None:
    quiverkey.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.quiverkey.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def scatter(x, y, s=20, c='b', marker='o', cmap=None, norm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, alpha=1.0, linewidths=None, faceted=True, verts=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.scatter(x, y, s, c, marker, cmap, norm, vmin, vmax, alpha, linewidths, faceted, verts, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.scatter.__doc__ is not None:
    scatter.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.scatter.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def semilogx(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.semilogx(*args, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.semilogx.__doc__ is not None:
    semilogx.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.semilogx.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def semilogy(*args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.semilogy(*args, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.semilogy.__doc__ is not None:
    semilogy.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.semilogy.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def specgram(x, NFFT=256, Fs=2, Fc=0, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, window=mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=128, cmap=None, xextent=None, pad_to=None, sides='default', scale_by_freq=None, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.specgram(x, NFFT, Fs, Fc, detrend, window, noverlap, cmap, xextent, pad_to, sides, scale_by_freq, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret[-1]
    return ret
if Axes.specgram.__doc__ is not None:
    specgram.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.specgram.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def spy(Z, precision=0, marker=None, markersize=None, aspect='equal', hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.spy(Z, precision, marker, markersize, aspect, **kwargs)
    gci._current = ret
    return ret
if Axes.spy.__doc__ is not None:
    spy.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.spy.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def stem(x, y, linefmt='b-', markerfmt='bo', basefmt='r-', hold=None):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.stem(x, y, linefmt, markerfmt, basefmt)

    return ret
if Axes.stem.__doc__ is not None:
    stem.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.stem.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def step(x, y, *args, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kwargs.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.step(x, y, *args, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.step.__doc__ is not None:
    step.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.step.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def vlines(x, ymin, ymax, colors='k', linestyles='solid', label='', hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.vlines(x, ymin, ymax, colors, linestyles, label, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.vlines.__doc__ is not None:
    vlines.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.vlines.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def xcorr(x, y, normed=True, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, usevlines=True, maxlags=10, hold=None, **kwargs):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()

    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.xcorr(x, y, normed, detrend, usevlines, maxlags, **kwargs)

    return ret
if Axes.xcorr.__doc__ is not None:
    xcorr.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.xcorr.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def barbs(*args, **kw):
    ax = gca()
    # allow callers to override the hold state by passing hold=True|False
    washold = ax.ishold()
    hold = kw.pop('hold', None)
    if hold is not None:
        ret = ax.barbs(*args, **kw)

    return ret
if Axes.barbs.__doc__ is not None:
    barbs.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.barbs.__doc__) + __docstring_addendum

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def cla():
    ret =  gca().cla()
    return ret
if Axes.cla.__doc__ is not None:
    cla.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.cla.__doc__)

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def grid(b=None, **kwargs):
    ret =  gca().grid(b, **kwargs)
    return ret
if Axes.grid.__doc__ is not None:
    grid.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.grid.__doc__)

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def legend(*args, **kwargs):
    ret =  gca().legend(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret
if Axes.legend.__doc__ is not None:
    legend.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.legend.__doc__)

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def table(**kwargs):
    ret =  gca().table(**kwargs)
    return ret
if Axes.table.__doc__ is not None:
    table.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.table.__doc__)

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def text(x, y, s, fontdict=None, withdash=False, **kwargs):
    ret =  gca().text(x, y, s, fontdict, withdash, **kwargs)
    return ret
if Axes.text.__doc__ is not None:
    text.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.text.__doc__)

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def annotate(*args, **kwargs):
    ret =  gca().annotate(*args, **kwargs)
    return ret
if Axes.annotate.__doc__ is not None:
    annotate.__doc__ = dedent(Axes.annotate.__doc__)

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def autumn():
    set the default colormap to autumn and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='autumn')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def bone():
    set the default colormap to bone and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='bone')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def cool():
    set the default colormap to cool and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='cool')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def copper():
    set the default colormap to copper and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='copper')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def flag():
    set the default colormap to flag and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='flag')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def gray():
    set the default colormap to gray and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='gray')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def hot():
    set the default colormap to hot and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='hot')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def hsv():
    set the default colormap to hsv and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='hsv')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def jet():
    set the default colormap to jet and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='jet')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def pink():
    set the default colormap to pink and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='pink')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def prism():
    set the default colormap to prism and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='prism')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def spring():
    set the default colormap to spring and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='spring')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def summer():
    set the default colormap to summer and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='summer')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def winter():
    set the default colormap to winter and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='winter')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None:

# This function was autogenerated by boilerplate.py.  Do not edit as
# changes will be lost
def spectral():
    set the default colormap to spectral and apply to current image if any.
    See help(colormaps) for more information
    rc('image', cmap='spectral')
    im = gci()

    if im is not None: